We will try to answer all the questions that can be your doubt
Courses that we provide:
Maths Video Course for CAT, XAT, IIFT, CMAT, IPMAT and JIPMAT
LR - DI Video Course for CAT, XAT, IIFT, CMAT, IPMAT and JIPMAT
Creators' Level
Basic Level (Coming Soon)
Fast Revision (Coming Soon)
Topic Wise Test Series
Full Length Test Series
Printed Study Material
300 Series for CAT, XAT, IIFT, CMAT and IPMAT (generally 1 month before the respective Exam)
General Questions
In this part we are answering to all the general questions asked by YOU. This section will help you to decide whether to join our video course (for CAT preparation, XAT preparation, IIFT preparation, CMAT preparation and IPM preparation) or not.
There are more than 220 video lectures including the solutions of our most important topic wise test series (only maths video solutions) that covers all the topics from basic to high level. All Videos are made by Anshu Agarwal Sir. Also he mentions important questions in every topic. You will also get online PDF of each topic for your practice. You will also receive a topic-wise test series for free with the course you purchase. For example, if you buy the Math Video Course, you will get a topic-wise test series for Math.
There will be more than 235 video lectures including the solutions of our most important topic wise test series (only maths video solutions) that covers all the topics from basic to high level. All Videos are made by Anshu Agarwal Sir. Also he mentions important questions in every topic. You will also get online PDF of each topic for your practice. You will also receive a topic-wise test series for free with the course you purchase. For example, if you buy the Math Video Course, you will get a topic-wise test series for Math.
LR - DI Video Course
There are approximately 100 video lectures that covers all the topics from basic to high level. All Videos are made by Anshu Agarwal Sir. Also he mentions important questions in every topic. Only in his videos you will learn how to attempt questions of LR - DI, how to solve tough questions easily. You will also get online PDF of each topic for your practice. You will also receive a topic-wise test series for free with the course you purchase. For example, if you buy the DI LR Video Course, you will get a topic-wise test series for DI LR.
What is Creators' Level & how can we use it
In Creators' Level, we provides moderate to high level questions and it is and will always be a updated version of our video course. We will update it time to time for our students. Because of this section our students will always be updated. Like our maths video course it is also topic wise but in this sections level of questions is moderate to high that will help our student to get a good rank in their respective exams.
We suggest our students that solve the questions of 'Creators level' only after the completion of Video Course.
Creators' Level is not for sale separately, it is the part of video course section.
What is Marathon & how it is different from Video Course
We typically launch our Marathon program three months before the exam. Given the limited time available, it can be challenging for students to cover our comprehensive Maths Video Course and/or our LR DI video course. As a solution, we have curated a selection of key videos in Maths and LR DI, all available in one place. Watching these videos will undoubtedly enhance your rank in the exam. Additionally, our Marathon program also includes a Full-Length Test Series to further prepare you for success.
Do You Provide Topic Wise Test Series and Printed Material with Marathon
No, instead of Topic Wise Test series we provides Full Length Test Series here.
What is Basic Level & how can we use it
BASIC LEVEL [BL] is for those whose Math skills are weak - in this section, they will receive more practice questions to improve their skills and boost their speed. This section is specially designed for those who are targeting CMAT, SNAP, JIPMAT, IPM Rohtak, and CUET. It is the part of our Maths Video Course, you cannot purchase it separately.
What is Fast Revision & how can we use itÂ
We will provide Theory + short trick notes just 1 month before the Actual Exam. This will definitely help increase your percentile. It is the part of Maths Video Course, you cannot purchase it separately.
How can I watch the Videos and access PDF
You can watch all the videos any number of times and and can access online PDFs any number of times from your GMAIL ID only. All the videos and the PDFs will be available in the classroom app in which you will be added after the confirmation of the payment. Good internet connection is required to watch the videos and access the PDFs.
How can ask my doubts
In our video course, there is a comment section after each topic so you can ask any doubt from our videos or from our PDF. Your doubt will be solved within 24 hours.
Is There any Live Class/ Why we prefer Video Class over Live Class
We provides only video lectures since in video lectures we covers large varieties of concepts that you can not find in any LIVE class. For example we have provided more than 20 videos on Number System and more than 32 videos from complete geometry that you can not get from Live classes (Even from our offline batches we don't cover such varieties of questions because of limited time).
Watch this video (Importance of Video Course): https://youtu.be/e_sgoRPr1_Q
So, Do You Update Your Videos from Your Video Course or Students receives same videos every year
We update our video course every year. Each passing year students gets more number of videos and more number of test series. Anshu Agarwal sir solves variety of questions regularly and keep focus on every exam like CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP, NMAT, CMAT, IPMAT Indore, IPMAT Rohtak, JIPMAT and he also observe and solve the questions asked in other exams like IIT - JEE, SSC, UPSC and other banking exams and he update his material/ short - tricks according to the changing pattern of all the examinations.
How Many times can I watch the videos
You can watch any video many number of times till the validity of your course
Can I access Video Course from my Mobile/ Laptop
Yes, you can watch the videos from your mobile as well as from your laptop. Remember, you can watch them only from your GMAIL ID that registered with us.
Should I purchase other Books
If you have our video course then there is no need to purchase any other book. There are lots of questions for practice in our video course and in our Topic wise test series.
Can I get demo lectures
You can watch more than 800 videos of Anshu Sir at our YouTube channel www.youtube.com/anshu2206
After watching that videos you can decide easily. Kindly first watch YouTube videos and then decide whether to buy or not. Fees is non refundable in any circumstances.
Is it necessary to provide the copy of our 10th/ 12th Marksheet
Yes, since we provide our course to genuine students only so you have to provide it. After the verification we provides our video course.
Topic Wise Test Series
You will receive a topic-wise test series for free with the course you purchase. For example, if you buy the Math Video Course, you will get a topic-wise test series for Math. Similarly, if you purchase the DI LR course, you will receive a topic-wise test series for DI LR. If you opt for our complete package, you will get a topic-wise test series for Math, DI LR, and Verbal Ability.
Full Length Test Series
Full Length Test series is available only with Full Course. Its pattern will be similar to your Actual Exam Pattern. For CAT Aspirants we provide it in the month of April - May and for IPMAT Aspirants we provide it in the month of February - March.
Printed + Online Study Material [CAT]
It is available only with Full Course. Printed + online study material contains total 16 booklets of Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability + Extra lesson level practice tests - 6500+ questions + Area Tests - 5000+ questions.
Content partner of our Full Length Test Series and Printed Material + online is TestFunda.
Kindly note that you are requested to raise the discrepancy if any in the content of the parcels within 7 days of the material receipt itself. The complaints post that will not be acceptable.
Printed Study Material [IPM]
It is available only with Full Course. There are 21 booklets. You will get booklets of Mathematics, LR - DI and Verbal Ability. It is available only in booklet forms. There is no soft copy of it. We will deliver booklets to your contact address (usually it takes 7 to 10 days). Content partner of our Full Length Test Series and Printed Material is TestFunda.
Kindly note that you are requested to raise the discrepancy if any in the content of the parcels within 7 days of the material receipt itself. The complaints post that will not be acceptable.
Can I Download Videos / Material
You can only watch Videos and PDFs. You can access them till the validity of the course but can not download them. One more important thing is that you can watch them many number of times till the validity of the course.
What is the duration of videos
Duration of each video is different as it depends upon the topic. We try to maintain the average time per video is approximately 40 minutes but some videos are of more than 1 hour and some are less than 40 minutes.
Can You Provide Verbal Ability's Videos
No, we provide video course for Maths and LR - DI only. You can get verbal Ability booklets from our printed study material.
No, 300 series is different from our video course.
We offer two convenient and secure payment options to ensure a hassle-free transaction experience for our customers. You can either pay directly to Anshu Agarwal's account, the details of which are provided on every page of our courses, or use popular payment platforms like Google Pay (anshu2206@okicici) or UPI transaction (anshu2206@icici) for added convenience. We suggest you that first go with manual payment option. We understand the importance of security in online transactions, which is why we also offer a payment gateway option for added peace of mind. Rest assured, we do not compromise on the security of your payment information at any point, but we are not responsible for any payment failure, and no refunds will be provided in any case.Once your payment has been successfully processed on our end, you will be granted access to our courses. Please note that our fees are non-refundable in any circumstance. Also you can mail us at info@catipmat.com or at catipmat@gmail.com for any inconvenience occurs to you during the payment.
I want your contact number
We communicate via E-mail and WhatsApp only. You can contact us via the following E-mail IDs and WhatApp Link:
You will get the contact number of Anshu Agarwal Sir only after the purchase of our Video Course.